The Three Wise Men Followed the Bible

From the first, Christmas has been hard to envisions without thinking of the Magi. In early catacomb art about Jesus' birth, the most frequent painting-motif was the Magi.

The star in their story is the star of their story, but the essential fact we often overlook is that they also followed the Bible. First, they had to have read in the ancient scrolls the predictions about the coming King of the Jews. Without Holy Writ, they would not have known what the star pointed to.

Second, once they arrived in Israel, the star disappeared. They had to ask for help from Herod, who consulted the religious leaders. They pointed Herod to a passage the prophet Micah (5:2) had written 700 years earlier. He predicted that Bethlehem, the small-town birthplace of King David, would also be the birthplace of the Messiah.

The star did re-appear, but don't miss the honor God placed on His Word. God gave the Magi a star to help them start their way to Christ, but made sure even they could not complete their pilgrimage to Jesus without going through His Word, the Bible.

No one can be saved apart from the Bible. Many things can play a key role in starting the salvation process–tracts, a verbal witness, TV preachers, billboards, sermons, missions–but the road to Jesus at some point has to go through the Bible.

I always seeing a star conspicuously displayed in a nativity scene. I also think at least one of the wise men should be holding a scroll in his hand as a tribute to the Bible.

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