Sermons, Small Groups, Nurseries
Gazing into my not-so-accurate crystal ball, I have dared to predict three things for the future of USA churches: 1. Contemporary Music; 2. Drums, guitars, and keyboards; 3. No Sunday evening services. This blog will look at three more possibilities.
4. Preaching. Almost every contemporary worship service includes a sermon. Yay! This is good news. USA churches will stay focused on the Word. Amen. I like this one.
5. Small groups. Essentially all new churches encourage people to connect in small groups. Many new churches do not have facilities to house groups; thus they have to use homes. I feel any church that has the space should still offer classes on Sunday morning. I am not antil-home, but am pro-church building. I may do a separate blog about this one item soon.
6. Nursery. Excellent child care will have to be provided for babies and toddlers. I personally feel this will become the case for all children ages birth through kindergarten. The families of the future may even expect it for older children. We'll see.
I covet your thoughts. What do you foresee for USA churches? Comment on my Facebook post about this blog.