What Would I Do The Same?

I would maintain excellence in worship. I know excellence can become an idol, but what I too often see is mediocrity in worship, which for sure is not good. Always strive to put our best foot forward for the Lord. In my early years, I was Pastor of a church that had a poor choir. We chose to sing only congregational songs, and have solos for the special music. The music was excellent. We sang every verse of every song, and people loved it. Find what your church is musically strong at, and give yourself to it wholeheartedly.

I would again finish my education when young. Cram it in. Get it done. If you don't, it will probably come back to bite you later. Earning a degree is harder once you start a family. My only claim to fame is; I am the youngest man ever to earn a doctors degree from a Southern Baptist Seminary (age 23). Now I admit, I made a promise to God the night of my graduation I have kept; I vowed I would never take another school test as long as I lived. Now that I'm a senior adult, I can audit college classes free of charge. I may do that, but I will NOT take a test.

I would read the whole Bible annually. I just finished my forty-second year of doing this. It is the number one spiritual discipline in my life. I call it my anchor-discipline. All else in my spiritual life hangs on Bible reading for sustenance. I have used several translations through the years, the one I most often used is my favorite, the New American Standard. I believe the Bible from cover to cover; I jokingly say I believe the index and concordance are also inspired. I even believe the cover; it is the Holy Bible.

What about you? What would you repeat? We are quick to talk about our shortcomings, but occasionally we need to reflect on what, by God's grace, we did right. Share your personal insights on my Facebook post about this. I will share more of mine in my next blog.

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