Life Goals 5-9

5. Write. I have kept a daily diary every day since July 20, 1976. I wish I would have kept a prayer journal. Writing is a difficult, but highly rewarding, discipline. By the way, use good grammar while you're at it.

6. Develop the habit of being kind and gracious. It is learned behavior. Practice makes perfect. Kindness costs us nothing, yet buys a world of good will. Kindness is Christianity in action.

7. Let your words be seasoned with tenderness. Few lies are bigger than "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Words can be the ultimate killers. Turn them into the ultimate blessings.

8. Control your anger. Don't ever excuse it or blame it on your DNA. You yourself are responsible for your emotions. Outbursts are your own fault. If you have a problem in this area, go get help. Anger has damaged more churches and families than alcohol, drugs, and adultery combined.

9. Receive criticism gladly. It can be a great teacher. If it is not justified, you can reject it later in private, after having taken time to evaluate it. When someone compliments you, say, "Thank you". When someone criticizes you, say, "Thank you".

I covet your reflections on these thoughts. Please write (see #5 above) your comments on my Facebook post about this blog.

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