Life Goals 15-18

15. Mark on your calendar early in the year all holidays, vacation days, and special occasions with family. Don't let your loved ones and you be a victim of your own negligence. Calendars fill up quickly. Make sure you are the filler, not the fillee.

16. Call people by name. Before I had my heart attacks and stroke 14 years ago, I could call 2000 people at Second by name. I miss being good with names. If you don't know a person's name, address them with neutral terms like "Sir, Ma'am, Brother, Sister" as opposed to "Honey, Dear, Sweetie, Precious, Handsome, Hunk." Some find the latter demeaning, others interpret them as a come-on.

17. Never throw away magazines, books, DVDs, etc. Pass them on to others. You never know when someone's life may be immeasurably blessed by what you put in their hands to read or listen to.

18. Do nothing anonymously. At Second, anonymous connections cards were immediately destroyed rather than passed on. If you can't attach your name to something you say or do, it should not be said or done.

This finishes my Blogs on life goals. I used these and others with church staff through the years. I hope they have been helpful. I want your comments on my Facebook posts about these goals, and yours.

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