Life Goals 1-4

Life is too valuable to live it haphazardly. Over my next few blogs, I will share what I believe to be worthwhile goals that can help us live our lives with purpose.

1. Holiness matters most. Keep this uppermost in all your planning. Have a vital inward holy communion with the Holy One that results in an outward holy life worthy of the Holy One. Do private time every day. Pray without ceasing. Try to read the entire Bible every year. You will never regret having this as the top priority of your life.

2. Never quit having hopes and dreams. Life is a stretchable commodity. Flex it with all the gusto you can muster. By the way, these goals are a good place to start.

3. If you ever have marriage, money, or mental heath troubles, get help immediately. PRONTO! In my 51 years of ministry, one thing I saw way too often was; people who came to me for advice and help waited way too long to come. Life is too short and too valuable to let a train wreck in your personal life derail it.

4. Try to make sure you, your spouse, and your at-home children are part of a weekly small group and a public worship service. We were created to have accountability to others, and to worship the Lord in the presence of others. The church growth experts of my younger years said it only takes three consecutive Sundays missed at church to break a lifetime of regular attendance.

What do you think? Do you have life goals that have helped you? Share them, or share your thoughts about this blog on my Facebook post about it.

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