What’s Changed in 51 years

Women now wear pants to church. I can remember when this never happened. In the blizzard of 1977, Ruth became the first woman in Gosnell AR to wear pants to church. The next Sunday, many women had followed suit.

Speaking of changes in clothings styles, people wear much tighter clothes to church than they did long ago. One lady told me she cannot abide seeing men in skinny jeans at church.

Dancing is no longer taboo. Pool halls, multicolored hair, tattoos, and men having long hair have also fallen off the naughty list.

We even sell merchandise in church now. In my younger years, this was always anathema because Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple.

On a more serious note, the Charismatic Movement has mainstreamed. In fact, in some places around the globe, it is the most common expression of Christianity.

Megachurches have proliferated in my 51 years of ministry. All indicators point to the fact they are here to stay, and will continue to grow bigger and bigger.

The demise of Sunday night and Wednesday night at church saddens me. Sunday night worship was through the years my favorite service of the week.

I also grieve the total obliteration of the Blue Laws. Since we repealed all the Sunday closing laws, the USA has been exhausted.

What do you see that has changed in recent years in churches? How do you feel about these changes? Comment on my Facebook post.

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