More About Billy Graham

"My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!" (2 KIngs 2:12 NIV). These words of Elisha about Elijah's entering Heaven came to mind when I heard Billy Graham had passed away. Elisha was saying Israel was losing the equivalent of a protecting army. A significant national guardian was being lost.

I always felt that Billy Graham was a national treasure. No one else has ever filled the role he did. He was a friend of Presidents, yet never lost the common touch. I think his humility was an amazing cardinal virtue considering the honors he received.

When I was returning home from what may have been the most important mission trip of my life—my first trip to China—I read in entirety his huge biography, "Just As I Am". The book affected me almost as much as the mission trip did. I was deeply moved by the hand of God being so visibly present on his life. He was truly a man who walked among miracles.

I always wished I could meet Billy Graham. I am comforted in knowing I will someday in Heaven.

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