What I Would Do Different

If I had it to do over again, I think I would pursue a terminal degree. My degree is a professional one; thus I cannot use it to secure a job teaching at a college or seminary. Remaining strong and faithful in the Pastorate for over 40 years is very rare and very hard. A terminal degree gives a minister a few more options vocationally as the decades go by.

I would have spent more time praying, and studying about prayer. Enough said.

In a do-over, I think I would involve women more in leadership. The only position of Biblical debate is Pastor of a local church. Other than possibly this one position, women should have a free opportunity to serve in any capacity in the Kingdom.

Ruth and I wish we would have discovered earlier the huge power of hospitality in our home. Had we started our college group earlier, we would have stayed in touch with young people more through the decades. This would also have taught us the value of surrendering our home to the Lord's work. For most of us, a house is our largest and most expensive commodity; we should consciously give it as an offering to God.

I covet your thoughts on this. Also, what would you do different in the spiritual realm? Please comment on my Facebook post about this blog.

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