Play It Again, Sam.

I would again not know how much money individuals gave to the church in offerings. This is controversial among Pastors. Many think they should know, and almost have to know, in order to wisely perceive whether people's hearts are with the church or not. I always feared it would lead me to show favoritism or anger. By the way, I would also again never touch church money, and I would also again keep precise receipts on all church money I used.

I would again continue my practice of trying to give fallen ministers another chance at the ministry. After I went through my difficult departure from a church, I decided to contact any minister I know that leaves under unpleasant circumstances. When I hear the news, I have regularly called them immediately. Several times I have been told I was the only Pastor that contacted them. A wounded preacher is fragile. Handle with care.

I would again try to stay up to date enough with technology to be able to use it as a Pastoral tool. I've never been on the cutting edge, as my longtime assistant Katie Havelka and computer guy Sam Arthur can testify. However, I have tried to stay in the hunt. Word processing, emails, texting, Facebook, etc.—I tried to leverage all of these for the ministry. My mom didn't do this. She was a brilliant lady who chose never to touch a computer or smart phone. I always felt this was a huge loss to her and to our family.

I would again never be alone with a woman other than my wife or family. No riding in a car or elevator unaccompanied, no meals out, no counseling without someone right outside the open door, no extended conversations on social media—how many preachers will we have to see fall before we finally decide we had better build tall fences around ourselves in this matter?

What are your thoughts? What did you do that you feel saved you from precipices and pitfalls? Share your comments on my Facebook wall about this post.

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