Life Goals 10-14

10. Do not use negative humor. No ethnic jokes, no racial slurs; my southern-born parents drilled this into me. No demeaning remarks about your spouse. Marriage is thought lowly of in our culture. Let's try to turn that around. Next to being saved, being happily married is the most wonderful thing in the world.

11. Work hard, work happy. Both are Biblical. Work hard is the Protestant work ethic. Work happy reminds us work was part of the blessing, not the curse, in Eden. Help others enjoy their work settings. Be a model employee. Glue the seat of your pants to the seat at your desk until your work is done.

12. Be a lifelong learner. Read, watch videos, attend conferences, go see others who are doing well what you would like to do, etc. Stay on the cutting edge of life. Never grow stale.

13. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Answer phone calls, emails, text messages, and messenger notifications promptly. Be courteous. Don't leave people hanging.

14. Always—always!—be on time. Others have sacrificed to be at a certain place at a certain time. Your time is no more valuable than theirs. "Fashionably late" is an oxymoron. In case you think this is not important to me, let me inform you I was an 8-month baby (that's a joke).

Let me know what you think about these goals. Has one of them stood out to you? I covet your comments on my Facebook post about this blog.

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