
Showing posts from November, 2018

Anger Begets Violence

We have become a society that has too often legitimatized anger, however small the offense. The result is sometimes a violence enacted due to a small offense. We are an angry society, and anger is always only one step removed from violence. Our Master became angry only for the honor of God (cleansing of the temple) and for the help of others (healing the withered hand in the synagogue). On both occasions, the anger resulted in helpful deeds. Once the deeds were done, the anger subsided. In contrast to this, many believers in our culture rightly start as angry over a particular issue, but then sin by staying angry rather than by doing something helpful that might have a positive result in the situation. If anger is not driving us to positive action, we need to let it go, to not let it seethe. We can learn from our own nation's history here. I just finished Peskin's biography of James Garfield. When this extremely popular President was assassinated, the nation fell into ...

Lessons from the Hallmark Channel

Ruth loves Hallmark movies. Occasionally she is able to convince me to watch one with her. I've seen relatively few of them, but have already noticed some recurring themes that actually serve as good lessons for life. One, a relationship can get off to a rocky start, yet end well. It's true we have only one chance to make a good first impression, but there are plenty of later impressions that can soften the first one. Ruth and I are a good example of this. She thought I was cocky (which I was), but we were able to forge a great relationship eventually. Two, relationships always ride on bumpy roads. Life is made up of conflicts. It is impossible for two people to agree on everything. Relationships are built on, or buried in, the ruins of disagreements. Ruth and I are both strong willed people. We disagree often. Nevertheless, we have always been able to work through our differences, and actually be made better by them. Three, we all want happy endings. This is, of course, the ul...